- Fundamental Physical Constants from NIST
Listing of constants used in physical chemistry calculations.
- Chemical Physics Preprint Database
Database of not-yet-published articles shared among researchers in chemical physics / physical chemistry.
- CODATA Key Values for Thermodynamics
Establish internationally agreed values for the thermodynamic properties of key chemical substances, mostly elements, ions, and simple compounds from The Committee on Data for Science and Technology.
- ThermoDex
An index of Selected Thermodynamic and Physical Property reference books. Choose a property and a type of compound, and ThermoDex will tell you a book that may have the data you need. Note: based primarily on the holdings at U Texas at Austin, the University of Toledo may not have all of these books.
- Crystallography Teaching pamphlets
A series of pamphlets from the International Union of Crystallography that provide tutorials on symmetry, diffraction, and crystallography.
- Online Dictionary of Crystallography
Dictionary maintained at the International Union of Crystallography. Extensively cross referenced, the definition require some knowledge of the subject to understand.
- Bilbao Crystallographic Server
Tools and utilities for crystallography computations.
- CrystalEye
The aim of the CrystalEye project is to aggregate crystallography from web resources (primarily supplementary data to articles on publishers web sites), and to provide methods to easily browse, search, and to keep up to date with the latest published information.
- American Chemical Society: Division of Physical Chemistry
Homepage of this ACS division, including theoretical and biophysical chemistry subdivisions.
- Journal of Physical & Chemical Reference Data Monographs & Supplements
Large reviews of physical, thermodynamic, and electronic data published in JPCRD.
(University of Toledo대학 주제가이드에서 발췌하여 제공)