CAJ(China Academic Journal) 원문 제공(1994년~현재)
Subsribed 선택 후 검색
4가지 주제분야 내 자료만 구독
(E) Medicine & Public Health
(F) Literature / History / Philosophy
(G) Politics / Military Affairs / Law
(J) Economics & Management
This collection of MIT Theses in DSpace contains selected theses and dissertations from all MIT departments.
MIT's DSpace contains more than 30,000 theses completed at MIT dating as far back as the mid 1800's.
전 세계 1백 80만건 이상의 학위논문에 대한 서지 / 초록 / 원문 정보 제공.
An Open Access Initiative union catalogue of theses and dissertations from many countries, which are all immediately available electronically. There are links through to institutional repositories.