From a book
저자명, 역할어. 표제: 부표제. 역자나 편자. 판차. 권차. 발행지: 발행처, 발행년. 매체.
Lastname, Firstname, and Firstname Lastname. Title of Book. Place of Publication: Publisher, Year of Publication. Medium of Publication.
오동근, 이치주, 공편. 객관식 자료조직론.개정판. 대구: 태일사, 2002. 인쇄도서.
Zelizer, Barbie, and Stuart Allan, eds. Journalism after September 11. London: Routledge, 2002. Print.
Baker, Nancy L., and Nancy Huling. A Research Guide for Undergraduate Students: English and American Literature. 6th ed. New York: MLA, 2006. Print.
>> 3인이상인 경우 2개 방식중 하나 선택가능
이소현, 등, 공저. 단일대상연구: 교육 및 임상현장 적용을 위한. 서울: 학지사, 2000. 인쇄도서.
이소현, 박은혜, 김영태. 단일대상연구: 교육 및 임상현장 적용을 위한. 서울: 학지사, 2000. 인쇄도서.
Wysocki, Anne Frances, et al. Writing New Media: Theory and Applications for Expanding the Teaching of Composition. Logan: Utah State UP, 2004. Print.
Wysocki, Anne Frances, Johndan Johnson-Eilola, Cynthia L. Selfe, and Geoffrey Sirc. Writing New Media: Theory and Applications for Expanding the Teaching of Composition. Logan: Utah State UP, 2004. Print.
>> 저자가 없는 경우
Encyclopedia of Indiana. New York: Somerset, 1993. Print.
>> 번역서의 경우
Caplan, Priscilla. 메타데이터의 이해. 오동근 역. 대구: 태일사, 2004. 인쇄도서.
Foucault, Michel. Madness and Civilization: A History of Insanity in the Age of Reason. Trans. Richard Howard. New York: Vintage-Random House, 1988. Print.
A chapter from a book
저자명, 역할어. "chapter 제목." 표제: 부표제. 편자. 판차. 권차. 발행지: 발행처, 발행년. chapter 페이지. 매체.
Lastname, Firstname. "Title of Essay." Title of Collection. Ed. Editor's Name(s). Place of Publication: Publisher, Year. Page range of entry. Medium of Publication.
김현, 등. "엔트로피(Entropy)." 화학공학 열역학: MATLAB을 이용한. 제3장. 서울: 아진, 2002. 88-144. 인쇄도서.
Sinclair, Upton. “The Brass Check.” The Journalist’s Moral Compass: Basic Principles. Eds. Steven R. Knowlton, and Patrick R. Parsons. Westport, Connecticut: Praeger, 1995. 184-190. Print.
>> 단행본 내에 단편시나 짧음 스토리의 경우
Burns, Robert. "Red, Red Rose." 100 Best-Loved Poems. Ed. Philip Smith. New York: Dover, 1995. 26. Print.
Thesis and Dissertation
연구자. 논문명. 학위명. 수여기관, 수여연도
김남석. 일제하 공공도서관의 사회교육활동. 박사학위논문. 단국대학교, 1980. 인쇄본.
Bishop, Karen Lynn. Documenting Institutional Identity: Strategic Writing in the IUPUI Comprehensive Campaign. Diss. Purdue University, 2002. Ann Arbor: UMI, 2004. Print.
Stolley, Karl. Toward a Conception of Religion as a Discursive Formation: Implications for Postmodern Composition Theory. MA thesis. Purdue University, 2002. Print.
From a print journal article
연구자명. "논문명." 저널명 권.호 (연월차): 수록면. 매체명.
Lastname, Firstname. "Title of Article." Title of Journal Volume.Issue (Year): pages. Medium of publication.
오동근, 장흥섭, 김광석. "공공도서관 이용자의 불만족요인과 불평행동." 한국도서관정보학회지 32.4 (2001): 25-44. 인쇄저널.
Martin, Greg. “Subculture, Style, Chavs and Consumer Capitalism: Towards a Critical Cultural Criminology of Youth.” Crime, Media, Culture 5.2 (2009): 123-145. Print.
From an electronic journal article
Lastname, Firstname. “Title of Article.” Title of Journal Volume.Issue (Year): pages. Medium of publication. Date accessed.
Morreale, Joanne. “The Spectacle of the Prisoner.” Television & New Media 7.2 (2006): 216-226. Web. 12 April 2010.
>> Online-only 저널의 경우
Dolby, Nadine. “Research in Youth Culture and Policy: Current Conditions and Future Directions.” Social Work and Society: The International Online-Only Journal 6.2 (2008): n. pag. Web. 20 May 2009.
>>특정 DB로부터 검색한 경우
오동근, 황일원. "Shakespeare 관련자료 분류상의 문제점과 개선방안." 한국도서관정보학회지 34.1 (2003): 217-237. DBpia. 웹사이트. 2012년 4월 15일.
Langhamer, Claire. “Love and Courtship in Mid-Twentieth-Century England.” Historical Journal 50.1 (2007): 173-96. ProQuest. Web. 27 May 2009.
From a website
저자명. "자료명." 웹사이트명. 편자명. 자료의 생성일자. 매체. 자료접근일자.
Editor, author, or compiler name (if available). Name of Site. Version number. Name of institution/organization affiliated with the site (sponsor or publisher), date of resource creation (if available). Medium of publication. Date of access.
"공공도서관선언." 위키백과: 우리 모두의 백과사전. Wikimedia Foundation, Inc. 2010년 7월 8일. 웹사이트. 2012년 4월 17일.
CIA World Fact Book. Central Intelligence Agency, 2009. Web. 10 April 2010.
"How to Make Vegetarian Chili." eHow. Demand Media, Inc., n.d. Web. 24 Feb. 2009.
From a print newspaper
ReporterLastname, ReporterFirstname. "Title of article." Title of Newspaper DD Month YYYY: page number. Format.
허용범, "워싱턴의 벚꽃과 동맹." 조선일보 2005년 4월 19일: A30.
Lawlor, Anne. "Phoenician 'find' makes textbooks ancient history." The Courier Mail 20 July 2000: 3. Print.
From a newspaper website
ReporterLastname, ReporterFirstname. "Title of Article." Newspaper Title DD Month YYYY. Format. Access DD Month YYYY.
허용범, "워싱턴의 벚꽃과 동맹." 조선일보 2005년 4월 19일. 웹사이트. 2010년 4월 5일.
Nicholson, Brendan. "Row over 'biblical' weapons in Afghanistan." The Australian 22 January 2010. Web. 22 March 2010.
From a film
For Film, if you are referencing the entire film, structure the reference with the title first. If you are citing the contribution of a particular person, begin with the name of that person.
Title. Dir. Firstname Lastname. Prod. Lastname, Initial. Distributor, year of release. Medium consulted.
nb. medium could be film or DVD or television or videocassette.
초록물고기. 이창동 감독, 시나리오. 명계남, 여균동 제작기획. 드림박스홈비디오, 1997. DVD.
You can count on me. Dir. Ken Lonergan. Prod. Scorsese, M. Paramount Pictures, 2000. Film.
It's a Wonderful Life. Dir. Frank Capra. Perf. James Steward, Donna Reed, Lionel Barrymore, and Thomas Mitchell. 1946. Republic, 2001. DVD
Scorsese, Martin, prod. You can count on me. Dir. Ken Lonergan. Paramount Pictures, 2000. Film.
From a lecture (live)
Lastname, Firstname and Firstname Lastname. "Title of Lecture." Title of Conference or Programme (if applicable). Location of Lecture. Date of lecture. Medium consulted.
nb. medium could be Lecture or Address, for example.
깡드쉬, 미셀. "개방시대의 한국의 선택." 사공일 대담. 세계석학과의 대담. EBS. 1995년 1월 5일.
Bryan, Sharon and Helen Hooper. “Reference Points.” Writing The Assignment. James Cook University, Townsville, QLD. 27 Feb. 2011. Lecture.
Craven, Allison. "EL2047 Introduction to Children's Literature." James Cook University, Townsville,QLD. 24 Feb. 2011. Lecture.