Book Format:
- Author, AA year of publication, Title: subtitle, Publisher, Place of publication.
- Reynolds, H 2000, Black pioneers, Penguin, Ringwood, Vic.
In-text citation:
- Reynolds (2000, p.32) determined that...
- The literature (Reynolds, 2000) shows that pioneers....
Chapter from a Book Format:
- Chapter author, AA year of publication, 'Title of chapter', in AA Editor (ed.), Title of book, Publisher, Place of publication, pp. xx-yy.
- Huth, E 2005, 'Fragments of participation in architecture', in P Blundell Jones & J Till (eds), Architecture and participation, Spon Press, London, pp. 141-148.
Journal Article Format:
- Author, AA year of publication, 'Title of article', Title of Journal, vol. volume number, no. issue number, pp. xx-xx.
- Rogers, G 2009, 'Reflections on teaching remote and isolated children', Education in Rural Australia, vol. 9, no. 2, pp. 65-8.
Online Journal Article Format:
Give the URL of the journal homepage.
- Author, AA year of publication, 'Title of article', Title of Journal, vol. volume, no. issue number, pp. xx-xx, viewed Date Month Year, DOI xxxx, <URL of journal>.
- Vessenes, PM 2003. 'The secrets of managing your time', Journal of Financial Planning, 16, no. 8, pp. 30–32, viewed 20 November 2009, <>.
Online Journal Article from a Database Format:
Give the URL of the database, not the URL of the article within the database (unless it is a stable URL - the record should tell you if there is a stable URL). Enclose the URL in < >
- Author, AA year of publication, 'Title of article', Title of Journal, volume, (issue number): pages xx-xx (if given), viewed Date Month Year, <URL of database>.
- Nicholls, D 2006, ''Does the meaning mean a thing?: Johnny Young’s hit songs of the 60s-70s', Australian Cultural History, no. 24, pp. 163-183, viewed 11 May 2010, <>
Website Format:
- Author (person or organisation) Year (site created or revised), Name (and place if applicable) of sponsor of the site, date month year of viewing the site, <URL>.
- National Library of Australia 2010, National Library of Australia, Canberra, viewed 30 March 2010, <>.